Help us fight poverty!!

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Hi All!

Now for the last few weeks, you've seen my regular posts about following your dream, what if money didn't matter, etc etc... and a lot of those have been inspired by conversations with Miss Amy Hill, my house mate.

She has a dream, a big one, and she wants to see the world, and help people! And that is exactly what she is doing, and I am trying to help her with this dream!

Amy has joined forces with a charity organisation called "VSO", who work with communities that are effected by poverty... and supply them with help and volunteers. Amy is heading to Zambia to help educate children on the dangers of HIV & Aids... and we need to raise money for VSO, so they can continue their fantastic work around the world!!    

Now. Amy has a few things in the pipeline for this, but the first thing involves me!!! And a 72 hour hunger strike we are both embarking on! We start tomorrow night!! Three days of hunger, cravings, and probably a very grumpy Sorcha.

BUT. I think its a very worthy cause, so I hope we can inspire other people to either donate, or strike with us! And something that goes along very well with similar schemes that filmannex work on. All the great work they take part in in Afghanistan is just as worthy a cause, and one I am very much looking forward to getting involved with also!

Plus, Amy's following her heart, doing something she believes in, and working her ass off for it, so I think she deserves all the help we can give her! Inspiring!!!


About the author


I am a short film maker, who started out at Staffordshire University not knowing anything, other than that I wanted to work with people. I graduated from that University two years and have carried the same dream! Which has led me into the world of commercials production. I currently work…

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