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I have been talking with a friend of mine, we are gonna pool some money together to make a short hopefully before christmas.

He said to me the other day when we were throwing ideas around "what is a hero?"

I had the idea a while ago to do a mocumentary about a guy who thought he was a superhero! But it wouldn't be done like you see some guy prating around in a cape!

He would be a normal guy the kind you see at work who seems a little bit withdrawn and shy, a nice guy but keeps himself to himself.

As we follow him around he talks about a girl he likes at the bank where he works and we find out snip its from his past about how he never really fit in.

It would be very indy, you know the look where the skin tones are a little washed out and their are a lot of pastel colours.

To some up as the film comes to a close maybe the girl at work he likes has come to like him until she finds out why the camera crew are really following him. Then it all goes wrong for him he is alone again and people are not accepting of him because they think he is mad.

So the film would come to an end in where he is working one morning and some people come in with guns to rob the bank and they take his girl hostage. By this point the film has done a district 9 and gone from mocumentary to film.

So our guy stands up to the robbers and demands his girl be let go, everyone is telling him to sit down and pleading with the gunman not to shoot him coz he is crazy and he thinks he is a superhero.

He steps forward and boom! gets shot so he is lying their and the film could go two ways really.

1: He gets up and it turns out he is a superhero and he fights the robbers and saves everyone.

2: By him getting shot it distracts the robbers so the security guard can get a shot off foiling the robbers plan, so he does become the hero in the end!

I don't know just an idea though so will keep developing!

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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