Computer was invented because "necessity is the mother of invention"
Man search fast calculating device. It took long time invent the digital
computer. Brief history behind of the invention of computer.
First computer of device was Abacus. Use to perform simple
addition and subtraction. It consist of wooden beads. The beads
move easily. Calculation perform by moving beads properly.
Napier bone cardboard
Cardboard multiplication calculator invented by John Napier bone.
it is also called manual calculating device.
Blaise Pascal
It is first mechanical adding machine it could add and subtract number
invented by Blaise Pascal.
Gottfield Wilhem von Leibnitz
It developed calculating machine by Leibnitz.
It was the first calculator that could multiply and divide also..
Charles Xavier
Charles Xavier developed a machine that could perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.. Charles Xavier was a French scientist.
French engineer develop a punch board system for power looms.
use for specific weaving pattern on cloth..
Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage invented a Difference Engine.
for mathematical calculation.. Developed Analytical engine.
that was perform 60 addition per minute.
Herman hollerith.
Herman applied idea of punchboard in computer.
Punch board use for output and input.
Atanasoff professor at lowa university. Invented a electronic
computer. He applied Boolean algebra..
George Boole
Simplify a binary system of algebra.
Hayward developed a automatic sequence controlled calculator.
First fully automatic machine..reliable but huge in size. Its also called
Mark I computer.
J.p Eckert and John mauchly
Developed a Eniac. Stand for electronic numerical integrator and calculator.
it was very heavy and large in size. It consume 140 kilowatts of power.
Stand for electronic discrete variable automatic calculator..
Use for store instructions and data.
Stand for universal automatic computer.
It was first digital computer. Used in business field.