holding or giving up?

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if a person saying that he or she doesn't  know if he loves you.. is short to say that he doesn't love you. being indifferent to your feelings and not reacting to your break-up he or she cud have care less,as a person we are all  probably going through a difficult times in our lifes, but the least that we cud do is to be honest with our partner about what we truly  feels for them, and not let them hanging  and waiting in something that probably would not happen anymore..if telling someone that we love him or her..is very essentials i think letting that person know if that love inst there anymore is equally as important...but in the end we have to realized that there comes a time in a relationship when simply loving someone is not enough.when being love in return becomes as vital as loving the other person.if a person doesn't  love you anymore then i think there's no more reason for you to stay.the only way to stop hurting is to stop wanting, and the only way to stop wanting is to  is to start accepting that he or she is not the same person anymore.then and only then, can you move on to finding the happiness that becomes truly rewarding when shared with the person who love us just the same or probably even more.