home exercises

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Home Exercises to Flatten Stomach and get the figure you always wanted


Ok now you got the low down on preparation for exercises to flatten stomach, now we need to get down to the part where you got to do the work. Did I mention ab crunches earlier on; I can almost read your minds thinking exercises, that’s hard work. To put your mind at rest, the exercises are not difficult and if you pace your self and don’t over do it, you will find that they are quite easy and are very effective at toning abs.


Let’s start with the basic crunch, this works on the upper area of your abs and stomach these are easy exercises to flatten stomach.


  1. Lye flat on your back, put your hands crossed over your chest, knees bent to provide traction and support for your back.


  1. Inhale and slowly raise your shoulders using your abs at the same time pressing the lower back to the floor. As you reach the peak of the crunch exhale slowly. Count to 5 then slowly lower your back to the floor inhaling at the same time.


  1. Repeat the process approximately 20 to 25 times, then rest for a quick count of 90, then repeat the crunch sets two or three more times, then you are done for the day.


Not let’s not go overboard and think that if you do more you will get there faster, it does not work that way 20 to 25 crunches working the movement in your middle section to get the full benefit. You want to do some good ab exercises paced out to be effective. If you increase the number of crunches you will start to get lazy and not work them fully and you will start ‘cheating’ and not get the full effect from the exercises, it’s the regular daily exercises that achieves the results.


The second exercise is the reverse Crunch which are exercises to flatten lower stomach at the same time working on the lower section of our abs.


  1. Lie with your back resting on the floor, lift your legs in the air, cross your ankles and bend knees slightly.


  1. Place you arms alongside you with the hand flat on the floor


  1. Make sure that your head is resting on the floor and your back is straight.


  1. Now you got to raise your hips approximately 2 inches off the floor at the same time squeezing or crunching your abs.


  1. Hold this position for about two to three seconds then slowly lower the hips back to the floor, repeat the process 20 to 25 times. Taking a count of 90 seconds between each set of repeats. Now you got to do two or maybe three more repeats of the sets.


Was that hard? Seriously it was not that bad, come on you want that flattened stomach, and those abs to show. So get doing these easy exercises to flatten the stomach.



About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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