Homeschooling - online education software

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For those who are homeschooling their kids, free education software is a blessing. Also for those who live far away from civilization.

+Review +Oztern-review

Searching for education software, I came across a very good package run by a company called oztern (not ad but review).
It is basically for those who follow the CBSE 1-12 class pattern in Indian schools.

I tried their free trial and they called me up later to explain their package. We are pleased and hope we can buy the software once my bubblews money reaches the bank. (Thanks to +Bubblews for helping us all in thousand ways)

The software has videos and worksheets which help the child and also it records the time taken to answer the problems.

This could solve our nagging fears of searching for tuition centers very far away from our house later on. They also provide professional entrance coaching help.

It is just a review, not an ad as I mentioned before. I have also asked my bil in Pune to try it for his kids.

Since we live in a village, such online classes are a boon.

Have a happy evening

written earlier for another site and removed

Note: it is a good software

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About the author


I am an online content writer and my passion is writing poetry. I am a housewife and also love to do other things like manage the farm and read.

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