Leave it to Sesame Street. This video may be specific to the United States, but it could apply anywhere. There is a Netflix show called "House of Cards" which is gaining popularity, about a man who will do anything to become President. Sesame Street does a parody on it and mixes it with the old "Three Pigs" tale that most of us grew up knowing.
The result is hilariously true, right down to the "too much pork in this town," and the reference to hot air.
The best is the surprise at the very end, though.
Leave it to Sesame Street. This video may be specific to the United States, but it could apply anywhere. There is a Netflix show called "House of Cards" which is gaining popularity, about a man who will do anything to become President. Sesame Street does a parody on it and mixes it with the old "Three Pigs" tale that most of us grew up knowing.
The result is hilariously true, right down to the "too much pork in this town," and the reference to hot air.
The best is the surprise at the very end, though.