How to bath a new Born Baby
Too much bathing may dry the babies skin, so bathe the child 3 times a week and thoroughly clean the diaper area every time you change the baby’s diaper.
Sponge baths are recommended for babies in their first 2 weeks. It’s best to clean the baby gently with a damp cloth and mild lukewarm soapy water. While giving a sponge bath the baby can be kept in a towel, exposing only those parts that are being cleansed. Try and avoid using soap on the baby’s face.
After 2 weeks or so your baby is ready for his first bath. Fill a basin or big bowl with luke warm water. First undress the baby and gently help the baby to sit down in the basin while holding. Watch constantly and be aware that baby's head and upper body is well above the water level. Then gently clean with a damp cloth. Also you can pour water over his body using a small mug. Shampoo her hair once a week. At the time of washing baby's hair, make sure that the soap doesn’t go into the eyes, but don’t panic if it does - Just clean the baby’s eyes with a clean damp cloth. Point to be noted, don't ever use any kind of soap or shampoos of adult's use. There are many goods available for specially babies' use.
How to bath a new Born Baby
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