How to Build a Successful Blog

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Every day, huge opportunities related to the internet appear in the tumultuous world of business. Besides your regular activities, you can launch or promote a successful business online, without investment or effort, and in a relatively short time. The first step is to create a blog, so to have a website to post blogs.

A blog is an easy-to-do and to use site, where you can publish your ideas, video recordings, and where you communicate with other people. Nowadays, the blog is the modernized form of a diary. The big difference is that you have an audience; the whole world can learn about your thoughts. A blog can be whatever you want it to be. There are so many of them, and what makes them captivating is the complete freedom and lack of rules.
What differentiates a good blog from a not so good one, from the number of visitors’ point of view, is the quality of posts. However, search engines do not think in the same way. Regardless of the nature of your blog, there are some tricks that can help you increase performance on the search engine, and make the blog become more interactive and social. You can get paid to write blogs if you learn the tricks.

If you are curious about how to write a blog and get paid, it is first of all important to attentively establish what the field/niche is going to be, so that you can express the blog theme in one keyword or keyphrase. A blog that debates more themes is harder to optimize, especially if the themes are not connected to each other. A blog needs to be relevant for the chosen theme and keywords. To keep it simple, it is better to write about what you know best; if you are an expert in a certain field, the world is going to be interested in your opinions; the blog’s success is going to eventually help you get paid to write blogs.

Another essential step is to define the targeted audience. Then, the blog’s title and URL should be catchy, easy to write and easy to remember. The design of the blog depends on the type of information that is provided, and on your expectations; it must be user friendly. It is indicated to customize the design, since a personal touch is always welcomed. You then need to pick a website to post blogs on, namely a hosting platform. WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr are the most popular.

In case you wish to buy a domain, it is recommended to do that when a traffic rate increase is noticed. In order to improve the blog’s aspect, performance and usability, you have to use plugins, not too many, or the blog loading time is going to slow down. It is very advantageous to have SEO plugins. Good optimization is the answer to ‘how to write a blog and get paid?’  

Because socializing is abloom, do not forget to make the blog more social. There are helpful plugins in that sense. It is not enough for a blog to be interesting. For traffic and exposure, link building is needed. Blog Catalog is a good source of traffic, but possibilities are infinite.   

About the author


I am a student pursuing my Bachelor's in Physics in New York City. I am originally from Romania. I love fixing computers, new technology amazes me and I make sure I stay updated each and every day. I enjoy helping others and I am usually the "go to" person when…

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