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Initially, I would like to state that it has been a pleasure to be on this platform. I am fond of the environment here. As I am still at an amateur level here so, I'll make sure to put in writing lots of fascinating blogs. Hope you all enjoy it. Right, so my apparent blog is on a crucial subject which address a major problem facing every citizen and I am going to give some information on how to solve it. I'll be coming up with some more related blogs so stay tuned. lets get started!

- what exactly is obsession ?

Obsession is a state of mind in which a person is haunted generally negatively by an event or the fear of an event. Many people are bothered with different kind of obsessions which may make them miserable and ineffective in their day-to-day life. Basically obsessions are repetitive, nagging, haunting ideas that seem almost to have a life of their own. A person troubled by obsessive thoughts feels driven to concentrate on them, as if that will prevent something horrible from happening . Obsessive thoughts come up without being summoned. They make unwelcome demands/onus to think about or do some special things.

It is not easy to stop these obsessive thoughts. In actual fact efforts to avoid or stop obsessive thoughts can make them even more powerful and disruptive. they stubbornly insist on putting aside all other thoughts. this is the exaggerated effect of their basic purpose. Obsessive thoughts are away to keep our minds off something we don't want to face.                

As this picture indicates the cycle of OCD. It gives us information that obsession which is off-course an unwanted distressing thoughts, urges, mental images. it may also contain " what if'...  and doubts. which then converts into anxiety. it's a false alarm which renders a person to feel the need to do something. Subsequently, it then turns in to compulsion which is a behavior performed to make anxiety go away, including steady checking. Lastly, we get relief which is also just temporary. The obsession comes back sooner. 

- Obsessive agonizing.

In most cases an obsession can disguise a problem for us. It can make it possible for us to deny a wish or impulse that we fear or believe unacceptable to ourselves or to others important in our lives. Obsessive worries about having left the house unlocked, for example, can conceal a desire to leave it- and the self it represents- more open and receptive. In similar ways, obsessive thoughts can cover over sexual feeling, anger and deep insecurities.  Obsession serve to bind anxiety, to contain fear, and to focus worry and mental energy on something that may be scary but still keeps us distracted from the things we really fear. It keeps us safe from something more deeply troubling inside. It erects a dam out of idea. These thoughts can overpower a person's life, coming many times in an hour or even in a minute. 


The function of an obsession is to provide safety and order to a confused person. Obsessive fear the consequences of neglecting or doing some special things: locking a door, turning off the gas, putting possessions in perfect order, keeping themselves or their home free of contamination from germs or dirt. These thoughts can overpower a person's life, coming many times in an hour or even in a minutes. Obsessions can be very annoying. Sometimes people function for years with powerful and detailed obsessions and their accompanying compulsive actions. they are characteristically consumed by doubt: " Did I wash my hands after touching the door knob? " If the obsessive cannot be sure that a ritual act or thought has occurred as it should have, he or she must repeat it.




                                                          * A treatment by Katie d'Ath.

It is a strange but true that obsessive ideas often lead to compulsive actions, rituals of protection that must be accomplished in order to maintain safety. These obsessions and their related compulsions can have a paranoid flavor: " if I leave the door unlocked the thieves will break in, so I  will never leave unless I have checked and reached all the ways into and out of my house." Obsessions can be annoying. Sometimes people function for years with powerful and detailed obsessions and their accompanying compulsive reactions. 

A lifetime may be taken by the uncontrollable need to fulfil the obsessive ritual. Obsessives ask total control. They want to anticipate every possibility. They make endless mental lists. they require order and perfection, and intensely dislike uncertainty. They are tied to their obsessions by the fear of what awful harm would result if they forgot. In the long run, obsessions not only prevent people from seeing, feeling, doing, and risking in life, they eventually rob them of self- worth and feed the guilty conviction that " I will be bad, or a nothing, unless I busily think about - all the time."



  1. First, recognize an obsession for what it is: a defence against a wish, need, or impulse that you do not want to face. It is an unsatisfactory attempt to solve the problem of anxiety. If you are reluctant to dip deeper and face your anxiety, calculate the cost in your life of the protection from anxiety provided by your obsession. Is it worth?
  2. It is strongly recommended by doctors that you should try to follow your obsessive thoughts to its conclusion. By this process you may get some relief. Following their obsession into fantasy, seeing where it leads them, helps to reduce its power. Try to learn from your obsession Try to find what it hides from you.
  3. To start with, try to make a small action that violates your obsession. Let yourself learn, for example, that you do reliably lock your house front door. Lockup. Leave immediately. Walk at least around the block before coming back. You will find the door locked and perhaps begin to realize that you don't need elaborate checking and rechecking ritual. You will also learn nothing horrible happens when you don't behave obsessively.
  4. Remember, the mind is like a stomach, It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests. It is extremely important to you should learn to turn your mind off and to relax. Don't use drugs or alcohol to accomplish this. One way is to start by addicting yourself to some regular from of obsorbing , soothing, physical exercise if possible. You may have trouble learning to meditate because your brain is so busy with your obsessions.  

                         - A Saying by NORMAN MAILER. 


 Learn how to notice your obsessive thoughts without taking them seriously, without feeling compelled to pursue them. Try this for about twenty minutes twice a day. Develop a lodging, friendly, accepting, non judgmental view of yourself. Listen to your mind, accept it, be quiet with it.

              You have to remind yourself that having  a fear does not make it happen. Your feelings or fear will not create disaster. Nothing in life is to b feared. It is only to be understood. And in the words of Jawaharlal Nehru :

Logic and cold reason are poor weapons to fight fear and distrust. Only faith and generosity can overcome them.

 5. A WORD OF CAUTION : There is a good possibility that confronting and obsession and overcoming it can lead to serious depression. After all, the obsession ( and its compulsive actions) may have taken up much of your feelings. Seek the support and understanding of your family and friends as you have to break away from your obsession. Ask them to help you learn ways to fill your time with non-obsessive activities.  

          Lastly,  You have to keep in mind than an obsession is a way of hiding from yourself because you distrust and dislike a part of yourself. Getting rid of your obsession will require that you get to know and like yourself better. It may also force you to face some problems in your life situation and make some changes. Embarking on the process of looking beneath an obsession is an exciting and rewarding challenge that can enrich your life. And remember that life is like a cash register, in which every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded.

                                                                                                              * THE END*


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hey it's me hanoooooona!
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