step to register triond:
said the list through referrals easier to approve, click the link to join my reff
1. use the ip us, details of name / address us (
2. use gmail
3. once registered, at least 20 friends add friends, edit profile, enter Caucasians photo
4. the confirmation link in that e-mail gmail
5. submit content translitan results (make sure all the english word)
6. tags enter a minimum of 3 words / phrases, each given keyword bold accessories / italic and underline
7. Done
step2 make and find articles:
1. go to
2. contents right english, italian contents left (or country up to)
3. masukkan kata yg mau dicari artikelnya dalam english, misal: "health tips" (utk cari artikel kesehatan dalam bahasa italia nantinya)
4. enter the word that you want to search the article in english, eg "health tips" (to find health articles in italian language later)
5. open enter "consigli sulla salute" (translit results in step 3) 5. select kira2 article 400 words (3-4 paragraphs)
6. copy and paste to and click "language exchange" as previously left right english italian
7. copy and paste to notepad translit results, check and make sure there is not italian language that still exist in the article
8. select / take 3 words / phrases to be used as tags, each keyword / tag given the accessories that made bold / italic / underline
9. Done
note: if failed / Declined, do not give up, if necessary niatin in 1 night make 5 accounts at once.