How To Do French Pedicure At Home

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Want to know how to make French pedicure at home? Well, there are many women who want to know how they can easily get a pedicure without the hassle of visiting the salon beauty salon. Feet demands the same care and attention as you give away to skin and hands. When we speak of then French pedicure pedicures are taken as one of the best options. All of them are involved in making elegant feet for others and give the look clean and tidy.
How to Make French pedicure at home
Now then you get to know the method with the help of which you can perform French pedicure at home:
Main articles for French pedicure at home:
* Large glass to soak your feet
* Body oil
* Pumice
* Epsom Salt
* Nail Polish
* Filer
* Healing Brush
Cotton Balls *
* Nail polish black
* Lotion
* Toe Separators
* Clean towels
Steps to the French pedicure at home:
1. Soak your feet:
In the very beginning you have to soak your feet in warm water. Now you have to make use of Epsom salt or even a little shampoo so you can make your feet smooth and soft. Now place both feet on the glass and relax for a while. Now take pumice and perform debugging of individual sections of the feet.
2. Apply lotion:
Now you have to take the lotion and massage it over your feet gently. Make sure when massage your feet should be soft and smooth. You can even make use Vaseline as well. This will help get rid of dead skin around the sides of the nails.
3. Remove Nail Color:
To remove the old nail color to do remover.Take using cotton ball for removing nail polish and then spread over the nails.
4. Apply White Nail:
Now you have to apply the white nail polish on top of the nails. Wait a few seconds until the glaze does not dry out. Now apply the second coat as well, since it will make your nails look attractive for the end of the day.
5. Hide the whole mess:
Now, to clear all the mess nail make use concealer brush and immersion in acetone. Ensure that you must be the creation of a line is thin and straight.
6. Allow to dry:
Now wait a few minutes until it is dry. At the time of drying you have to stick your feet in cold water. This will allow the nail polish is permanent and resistant to wear.
So all the women out there perform the above steps carefully to perform perfect french pedicure at home! Try it now and we are sure that you will get soft and smooth to the end of the day feet.

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