How To Make Friends (When You’re Out of College)

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Today I want to talk about a topic that’s come up before in my column over at Kotaku – something that a lot of people have issues with.

So stop me if this sounds familiar.

You have a tight group of friends. Maybe you were the tightest of bros when you were in college. Maybe you’ve been buds since high school. Maybe you’re like me and you’re still close with some of the folks you met in that pre-kindergarten Yamaha class your parents made you take under the guise of being “well rounded,” but was really meant to set you up to get into that Ivy League college of their dreams.

In fairness, my parents played the long game.

Regardless of when you first met your core group of friends, you were tight – brothers and sisters in all but blood.

And then… you start to drift apart. It’s nobody’s fault, it’s just the way things happen to shake out. Priorities change. Marriages and children mean that some of them have less time to spend with everyone. Someone moves out of town for work. You may see each other once or twice a year if you’re lucky, maybe stay connected via social media, but it’s not the same. And because it gets so much harder to make friends – not acquaintances, co-workers you shoot the shit with or people you see on a regular basis, but actual “let’s hang out and actually do shit together” friends – once you’re no longer in school, you feel like you have a limited pool of friends… and it’s getting smaller all the time, with no real way of finding new people to bring into the group.

Or maybe you don’t have an established social circle. You may have just moved to a new city, you may have had to cut ties with your old life or you just may never have had many people you were close to… and you have no real idea how to change that, especially now that you’re out in the “real world”.

Regardless of how it happened: you’re left feeling somewhat adrift. You may have every other aspect of your life together, but this is just the one place where you have no idea what you’re doing. You’re interested in making new friends but unlike when you were in college, it’s no longer as simple or intuitive as it once was. So… what the hell do you do?

I actually have a lot of unironic love for this movie for being one of the few times you see this issue illustrated in pop-culture.

I actually have a lot of unironic love for this movie for being one of the few times you see this issue illustrated in pop-culture.

Relax. All of those skills I’ve been teaching you about dating? They all apply to making friends as well.

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