"Wow, my video is going a ton views!!!" It's may be our expectation while watching our Youtube video's traffic.
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, with 100 hours of content uploaded every minute, so it is fair to say that there's a very minute chance that your content will be noticed amongst the mountainous number of adorable cat and baby videos. Although achieving a high number of views can be very hard, especially just for a few days. It isn't an imposible as long as you are on the right way. But how? There are few tips to optimize your Video.
1. The Power of Content
A good content will bring you to a good views. The better content gives the views statisfaction. The most people search in Youtube is about "How to" , "Funny Video", or something "Weird". Yeah, if you can create a better content from this three keywords, you will have a lot views and thumbs up. Choose effective software for video maker to make a Powerfull Video. There a lots software about video maker (For more information you can visit here). And the most important is people can share your video to another, it can drive your traffic. avoid spamming, people hate it for sure. So, if your goal is getting a huge views, you have to focus your video to be exciting, informative, and of course, shareable.
2. Tittle, Tag, Description and Tumbnail.
Tittle is the first time we read before watching a videos while Tagging is very important to make your video discoverable. So choosing the right title and tag will bring you to gain views. Giving a good description for two or three sentences and choose a best thumbnail for make visitors more confident to watch our video
3. Captioning
Tags and titles may play an important role in indexing but they are not the only methods for associating text to your videos. Giving captioning can also help your optimation effort. You can give subtitles or additional information during video playing. You can redirecting to our website using this method.
4. Call to Action
It's critical that your videos contain strong a call-to-action in descriptions and within YouTube annotations. When used correctly, annotations can improve engagement and viewership; but when used incorrectly, annotations can be distracting.
Annotations not only help keep viewers on the page, but also help keep them on YouTube. They remind people to keep watching and sharing. Here's a good example of an excellent use of annotation and a call-to-action combined together from one of the top YouTube channels, Daily Grace:
Another way to incorporate a strong call-to-action toward engagement of your channel is through YouTube's new "Channel Trailer." This allows you to have a specific video that plays when a non-subscriber lands on your YouTube channel page. The views can imaging what's your brand about and let them know and why to subscribe yours.
5. Playlist URL
When we watch video in a playlist, Youtube will play them automatically. This will help increase your time-on-page and time-on-site metrics. If you have multiple videos you are looking to promote on social media platforms, make sure to share the complete playlist URL rather than the single video URL.
It is imposible to gauge whether your video will get a huge views. But if you utilize these steps, you can increase your chance. For more information about creating a powerfull video for youtube, you can visit here.
Source: searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2307785/5-youtube-video-optimization-tips