How To Swim Part 2 of 4

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    Get used to floating. When you're in the water, hold on to the side of the pool or a dock, and let your legs float out behind you - they should lift easily if you let them. Practice doing this on your stomach and on your back, until you're use to letting half of your body float.

    • Try floating on your back or your stomach as soon as you're ready. Stay in a shallow depth so that you can simply stand up if it's not working out. It might feel weird to have water around your ears while your nose and mouth are in the air, but you'll get used to it. For extra stability, put out your arms at a right angle so that your body is in a "T" shape.


  2. Swim Step 3

About the author


I'm currently working in an Engineering Institute as IT Assitant.
Studying Bachelor of Commerce.

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