How to Write a Job application

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Many job applications never even get to the interview stage. Candidates are eliminated from the selection process before this begins because their applications are simply not good enough. An application will normally consist of a CV and a covering letter. It is important to create a well-presented CV, but this section is primarily about the covering letter that accompanies it. Much of the advice is, however, applicable to both part of the application.

It is a good thing to bear in mind the main reasons for rejection of job application

  • Presentation not good enough: Spelling and Grammar are poor, while the paper may be tatty and the handwriting illegible.
  • Content does not meet the requirements: if the advertisement asks for current salary, then give it (or state why you have not done so). If photographs are requested, send one and don’t attempt to make funny comments about how ridiculous you look in the image- no one will laugh!
  • Ignorance: try to do some basic homework. Find out about the particular company you are applying for and tailor your letter to the information.


  • Letter does not fit job profile: if your previous job means that you don’t quite fit the job profile requested in the advert, and then explain why you are applying anyway. Then go on to describe why you feel that you are the best candidate for the job despite this apparent discrepancy.
  • Don’t be over-confident: however confident you may feel that this is the perfect job for you, always bear in mind that you will generally be working with other people and they will want to like you they think you are a boastful show-off. In Afghanistan a very nice and wonderful system came by Roya Mahboob which now each and every girl can have access in Social Medias as well as modern Technology.


By: WomensAnnex Kabul

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Women's Annex Kabul is a blogging and film platform that empowers the women and children of Central Asia with a "pay for content" model where bloggers and filmmakers get paid based on their Buzz (performance) Score. Monthly payouts on Women's Annex can range from as little as $5 per month…

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