How to write an article?

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When you realize, analyze or study an especial idea in areas of humanity studies such as; basic studies, mathematics, humanism and religious studies and write your result of the work into an especial model or regular roles, you are the owner of an article.

The model that you are using for an article content six elements which are: title, outline, preface, text, conclusion and sources that used into article.

  1. Title:    as an unfamiliar person watch your external in the first meeting, the reader of the article also keeps attention to the title. If you want to persuade readers to read your article so try to use these steps:
  • The title must define subject of article.
  • Sometimes using of sub titles are useful.
  • Easy to analyze and realize the title for readers.
  • Title must persuade readers to read the article.


  1. Outline: after using of the best title, you should give a time for readers that before starting the main text and spending their time, they should aware from: what did you reflect into article? , why did you write this? , what is the result of your analyzes? , what is your solution for the problem? , what fresh rule did you prove? And much more which readers should find answers into outline.


  1.  Preface: basic and important aims which use into preface are:
  • Preparing of readers mind.
  • Marketing for reading. (What is the benefit of reading?)
  •  Explaining kinds of investigation and methods.
  • Explaining of exclusive features.


  1. Text: text of the article is also called as body of the article which is the main part of an article. After writing title, outline and preface of the article it is the time to write the main part, so please read the regulation of writing text of the article.
  • Collection of main points in article.
  • Think of main title and sub title again.
  • Write clear:

-           Writer must understand correctly the subject of article. It means that he must have knowledge relates to the article.

-          You have the ability of using simple words, so always use them instead of difficult words.

-          As possible don’t repeat the previews sentences.

-          Try to make short sentences.

-          Paragraphs as sentences best to short.

-          Use the principle of punctuations.

-          Bold the main words.

-          Connect sentences correctly with each others.

  • Accept nice your article.
  • Explain your incase studies about the article.
  • Using of source is essential.
  • Using of polite for criticism.


  1. Conclusion: you do not use fresh speech into conclusion; you just reflect things that will stay on mind of reader as you think. During writing of conclusion you should not repeat reasons or documentaries as a brief; you just write the main result. This part should be also short, even it should be short from preface.


  1. Sources: we can rarely find some topics that the writer didn’t point out on sources and it is also difficult that a writer write something without helps of others. One of the most irritant scenes in the world is this, that the writer use different sources for his article but didn’t specify the source. It is not only harms the copyright of original writer, but it can aspersion readers too.

By Muhammad Elias Hatimi

About the author


Kabul University

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