Hurrem Sultan

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She was one of the most famous women in the ottoman history . she was the wife of Sultan  Suleiman  and the mother of his six children , Mehmed, Mihrimah , Abdullah , Selim , Bayezid and Cihangir 

She had a prominent role in that period , She fight for making one of her children reach the throne  and she succeeded though she died before her dream come true .

There are a lot of accusations to her of making consiparcies against Pargali Ibrahim Pasha and Sehzada Mustafa ( the first son of sultan Suleiman from another woman)


Hurrem was born in Ukraine in 1500 . in 1520 she was kidnapped by Tatars and took her as a slave , she entered later sulan suleiman harem and become his wife .


she died in 1558 

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