Let me something very powerful and unique with you my Friends,
I was talking to a good friend of mine a few days ago, and he was asking me about a Facebook Advertising Campaign, that he started running. So, the number of people he reached way very low, and he got 1 LIKE through this campaign, which was setup to BOOST his Post.
That’s why he paid $1,99 for only 1 Fanpage LIKE and a very low Engagement Rate. So i signed UP in GetPaid.Social in December 2015, and i know everything about the product.
So, with GetPaid.Social i am able to buy Fanpage like for around $0,05-$0,10 each LIKE. That’s only 5% of the price he paid directly through his Facebook Ad Campaign.
I started the Campaign for a good friends and business partners page exactly 1 hour ago and +78 Likes allready have been delivered.