I like numbers

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Number means money. lol haha Well I read before in The Secret book, to attract money to you, you should say "I love money and money loves me" hehe so there. I love money and money loves me. lol. Please don't ask me who says that exactly because they are many. hehe :b To whom ever says it, please forgive me. It didn't really sink in my brain the name(I am forgetful, can it be an excuse?lol) but the word sink in to me and I always remember that or says that. haha :b

Anyway why am I talking about money here?(So it will come to me)lol.

What I mean is. Just now 11:21 am as I am typing it I glanced at the computer clock, and see that it is somehow easier to do some comment, I mean I don't know if it applies on all post but I have like 2 or 3 captcha that have numbers only.

GOOD for me. I mean, these days, I don't know if it's just my eyes or too much exposure in the computer or what but I am having some trouble reading captcha characters, especially if they are in slant or do you call it indent? I forgot the right word, but anyway it is easier for me to read and type it in as numbers. (Duhh Mich, shame on you if you can't still see it. hehe Totally blind. lol)

So there. hehe That's why my article have a title like this now. haha

of course I'm gonna post it later. haha I've to think of some more to write. I can't think of any now. It's just fateful that this numbers shows up on the captcha. haha Thanks numbers. I love you. lol