I like travelling

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Andrew Hello Ann! Summer is coming!! Ann Yes, it’s fantastic. I want to start holidays. Andrew Me too. What are you going to do this summer? Ann I’m going to go to visit New York. It’s a very huge city in USA. Andrew Wow!! I stayed there for a week with an American family. It was a great time. I visit a lot of places near the city. Ann Explain me something about the trip. Is it a long journey to get there? Andrew Well, We took about five hours from Alguaire. Ann OH! That’s nothing compared to go to Australia. Andrew Yes, of course. Australia is one of the farthest countries. Ann Yes, I know. I would like to visit one day in the future. Andrew Yes, me too. But I like very much to stay here at home playing with my friends. Ann I like very much our country. We have many places to visit too and food is excellent here. Andrew Why don’t we go to eat something at home? I am hungry.

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