The fried zucchini flowers are the appetizers tasty and easy to prepare : Once clean, the flowers are dipped in batter and then fried in oil seeds.With a few easy steps you can serve a delicious appetizer with the flavors of spring.
Wash thoroughly flowers , gently dip the flowers in cold water then drain them and put them to drain on a dry cloth with which tamponerete them gently ; eliminated the shank (1 ) slightly apart the flowers with your fingers and remove the pistils fleshy seats inside and on the base of the flowers themselves ( 2-3).
Once cleaned you place the flowers in a bowl (4). Meanwhile, prepare the batter : Place the flour in a large bowl , gradually add the water ( 5 ), stirring with a whisk to avoid lumps . Once you obtain a smooth , add salt ( 6). Place a large skillet heat the oil for frying.
A questo punto avvolgete delicatamente nella pastella i fiori (7), ad uno ad uno, cercando di non romperli e subito dopo immergete il fiore nell’olio bollente (8), girandolo durante la cottura. Appena cotti , scolate i fiori di zucca e lasciateli asciugare su un vassoio rivestito di carta assorbente (9). Servite i fiori di zucca fritti ben caldi.
Council to consume the flowers in the batter when ready .
Bon Appetite!!!