I was wondering if you could...

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I was wondering if you could,

 stop for a moment,

turn around

and, look deep into my eyes,


I was wondering if you could,NOT care about others

let the people keep wondering

let the world talk

let the mountains break apart

let the birds get cold

let the skies rain


I was wondering if you could

 stop for a moment,

turn around

 and for instance,look deep into my eyes


I was wondering if you could

let the clock stop ticking

let the clouds sweep

put the death on hold,


I was wondering if you could

let me borrow a mini minute of your day

 buy a spoon of life

 drink glass of comfort besides you


I was wondering if you could

let me find my lost part in you

let me find the lost “ME” in you

I was wondering if you could  stop for a moment…

I was wondering if you could stop for Me

I was wondering if you could just  be for Me

I was wondering if you could.....


About the author


going to be a Journalist !(insh...)

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