I wont give up

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Been to ups and downs. Experience so much stress and happiness in life. For stress, it is our thinking that have to be change as the expert says, for happiness, we choose that too, by changing our thought. I learned from them if we are not happy right now, if we are not feeling okay, we must change first our thoughts so our feelings will change. You know, the cause and effect. Effect is I guess all the stress and happiness, everything you experience in life. The cause is the thinking. Am I right? Or was it the other way around?

Any how I constantly change my bio in my profile page from time to time since yesterday. Today I put there "been to ups and down. but I guess I endure it all. I will never give up :)" I hope so.

I am a person with a complicated, ever changing mind and thoughts. I am stress a minute, will try to change my thought to be happy. I say these, these past few months, positive thoughts, positive thinking, all that kind of stuff. But sometimes it is Hard to Walk your Talk. Easy to say, hard to do. I still have a lot to go through to master my mind. To only think good thoughts. And today while thinking of not going to give up, even though I have a lot of struggles in life, in myself sometimes I remember my crush. My crush who is so kind, so nice, so gentle. After hearing the news from my friend I just cant stop myself thinking about him. I dont know. This post is too long. I will or may(if I remember and if I am not lazy enough) to post another article about him.

Hello everyone.