If Your Are Planning To Reduce Your Eating Habits, Try Foamy Drinks. They Make You Feel Full!

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A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tested three milk-based drinks: one that wasn't whipped (the control beverage), one with foam that dissipated within 30 minutes of consumption, and one with dense foam. For the four hours after consumption, subjects reported their hunger levels, and researchers measured the subjects' stomach content using an MRI. The results? The dense-foam drink remained in the stomach longer than the less-dense foamy drink and the control. Appetite-wise, however, both foamy drinks kept hunger at bay equally well.  That's not to suggest that a 200-calorie latte is a diet food, or even something that's good for you, but it may be more satiating than, say, 200 calories of regular coffee loaded with half-and-half and pumpkin-flavored syrup. -

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