I'm Back!!! New Projects/What I'v Been up to by Mark Kuczewski

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Hi Guys, I know it’s been a while since my last post but I have been out of action with kidney stones. Pretty painful but now I’m back. The past couple of days I have begun planning my next short, with the intention of shooting in early November. I don’t want to say too much about it but expect a teaser shortly after the shoot. It’s going to be very short lasting only around 2 mins. What I can tell you is that its cast and I have a small crew ready to go.

Once I finish this project I will be moving on to something a little bigger. A project I spoke about a while ago which has the working title ‘Lost and Found’. I am going back to the horror/thriller genre, hopefully building on the success of ‘Playground’.

I really love this genre and if I am honest its what I watch most of. This is going to be a bigger project than usual and I will be starting a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it. A good friend of mine and fellow filmannex member Tom Kennedy will be joining me to co-produce. I will update you with more once the project gets underway.

I recently shot a promo/teaser for what will hopefully become a feature if the director can get funding. The film is called ‘Adult Content’ and the info from the teaser reads 

‘Adult Content will be the funniest British film of 2014. It's a feature-length mockumentary about the making of a low-budget porn film. Think 'The Office' meets 'Boogie Nights'. To find out more, visit our website’ 


A film about the porn industry with no nudity or sex. So check it out because I know they are looking for cast and crew for the project. I know the video isn’t on just yet but it should be up in the next couple of days.

Recently I have started lecturing part time at University. I am teaching the craft of film making such as lighting techniques, editing skills and a range of other subjects. It’s a lot of fun being back in a place where filmmaking is everything. When I was at university we had to make films, that’s what you did morning, noon and night. The hardest part once you leave is find the time around life to carry on making those films. So it’s great to be back and it helps motivate me and gets me thinking about my own films.

The other day I sent of my application for my bursary to attend London Film School. If it’s successful then in January I will be starting my masters down in London. If it isn’t then I wont! It’s a great opportunity and would be a shame after being accepted to not be able to attend. I should find out late November so fingers crossed.

Well that’s about it, I will aim to update once a week and stay tuned for more info on upcoming projects.

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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