Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (alaihir rahmah) performed his second Hajj in 1323 A.H. (1905). He was 49 years old.
On the 25th of Zil-Hajj, Sayyiduna A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) once again had the opportunity of meeting the great Imam, Sheikh Saleh Kamaal (alaihir rahmah). He also met Allamah Sayed Ismae'el (alaihir rahmah) and many other Noble Ulema, who showed great respect towards him.
It was on this occasion that Allamah Sheikh Saleh Kamaal (alaihir rahmah) presented A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) with five questions pertaining to I'lm-e-Ghaib (Knowledge of the Unseen). These questions were posed on behalf of the Wahabi Ulema of Makkatul Mukarramah. A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) had to answer these five questions in two days.
In so happened that on the following day, A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) contracted a heavy fever. In spite of his illness, he managed to answer all the questions relating to I'lm-e-Ghaib. In fact, A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) presented such a detailed answer to the question of I'lm-e-Ghaib that it turned out to be a complete book on its own. He named this book, "Al Daulatul Makkiyah Bil Maadatil Ghaibiya."
The Learned Ulema of Haramain Sharifain were totally astounded when A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) presented this book to them on time. He completed this book of approximately 400 pages in only 8 hours. It was also in the pure Arabic language. If one totals the numerical values of the Arabic letters in the context of this Kitaab, "Al Daulatul Makkiyah Bil Maadatil Ghaibiya," one would discover that they amount to 1323. It was the same year, that is, 1323 A.H., in which A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) performed his second Hajj!
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