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Education is the lite of life. Education proves one of the most important factor of civilize nation. It show the human personality how is they are, its complete property of any individual. Every one want to be well education, its possible when you have well education credential. Educated person judge what is wrong and what is right.Education is the most important process of life, passing of knowledge from one generation to another.

Robert Maynard said " The object of education is to prepare young to educate themselves through out their lives"

We all know the importance of education. It is the most important aspect of any nation to survive in the era. ISLAM also tell us about importance of education either for MAN AND WOMEN


Lack of Technical Education

In over school a routine salybus is taught same book which I read. Today era is different from old time. White color jobs is only for those who take their degree from higher institution, so as per may analysis I think that technical education is necessary for up coming generation those who not take higher education from higher level institution so need of Technical education from start to give to poor student so when he complete their education they have both degree so he not deprived from their right.

Inefficient Teacher

Most of teacher are not able to run their education system well. I know that our village side Scholl teacher mostly in efficient so their is need of higher well educated teacher those who completely brain storming of our coming generation. 


Poverty paly a pivotal role in education there are many student those who want to learn but poverty press them to leave the education, so government or international donor agency need to find out the way so these type of student run their education because they are pressed some domestic problem which cause heart him.


Mismanagement of System

Their is need of proper management complete check and balance weekly, monthly meeting need of teacher and management what is essential requirement of our education system. Because today almost every person do their job and not think about for which purpose they hire by institution.

Lack of Education Policies

Their is need of proper education policies which need to be changed according to world education system.

Education as a business


Today most private school are open only for business purpose their is no criteria of education system, owner of school only run their business.








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