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Without the plants on our planet the evolution of life here would have been impossible. Plants were instrumental in supply of oxygen in the atmosphere. Thus the stage was set for Adam and Eve and now there are about five billion people living on the earth. So we must acknowledge the importance of plants in our life.

The trees are an integral species of the plant genus in played a very important role in the pas and continue to play even now . We are indebited to trees for soil and climate as well as for their direct contribution to our homes, to hospitals and to our factories.It is quite amazing the ways in which trees support life fuel wood .Building materials, and a wide range of food and medicines and other products are obtained from forests. approximately trees range across 30 per cent of the earth's surface .

They produced and sustain large stocks of biomass number plant and animal species.Forest are also playing a significant role in the recycling of nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. They affect climatic conditions such as rainfall and temperature . Moreover they are the fountain heads of rivers. They play the additional role of the largest hene reserviors on the planet earth. They are the site for the energence and development of new species.

To conclude trees are the great providers and protectors. Their services are many. They help preserve per species in more way than we can imagine. Without forest full of stately trees our planet would be the poorer and a lot less beautifull than is today.

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