In addition to Skinny Jeans, 7 Items Fashion Also Can Harm Health

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Because of wear skinny jeans, an Australian woman fainted and was paralyzed for several hours. This event also had shocked the public and the media, as a result of trivial things can cause potential harm to health. Reportedly, the 35-year-old woman was helping his friend move house by cleaning closet. Because squatting too long, skinny jeans tight material inhibits blood circulation in the legs, muscle and nerve damage. The wantia calf was swollen and made him unable to move.

It was not just skinny jeans, fashion items that could endanger the health of the body. There are still many other fashion products at risk of causing injury from mild to fatal nature. This multiple objects 'stylish' to watch their use, as quoted by the Mirror.



1. The Upper High Heels 9 cm

Also called killer heels, boots with 9 cm above rights can indeed make the wearer look elegant, sexy and look perfect posture. However killer heels may also cause arthritis and problems in the spine. Wear it every day will make the hip bone shifted and calf muscles become shorter. Her right shoe that is too high can also cause injury to the tendon, damage to the knee and thumb bend. More recently, scientists Royal College of Surgeons reveals that high heels can lead to Morton's Neuroma, a condition that makes the heel is painful when walking.



2. Sandal Jepit

Sandal jepit atau flip-flop memang sangat nyaman dikenakan terutama untuk liburan ke pantai maupun sekadar berjalan-jalan di sekitar rumah. Namun di balik kenyamanan tersebut, ada bahaya kesehatan yang mengintai. National Health Service melaporkan, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengobati cedera akibat pemakaian sandal jepit mencapai 40 juta pound sterling dalam setahun. Sandal jepit bisa menyebabkan cedera karena tidak memiliki sol yang mencukupi untuk menopang kaki. Selain itu sandal jepit bisa mengubah cara kita berjalan jika dipakai terus menerus dalam waktu lama. Sakit di persendian, masalah tulang, memar, tumit keseleo dan tulang patah adalah beberapa risiko yang bisa terjadi dari pemakaian sandal jepit.



3. The corset

Relied corset many women to look slimmer while wearing clothes. Kylie Minogue and Kim Kardashian including celebrities who like to wear one of these types of underwear. Usage continuously and for a long time, can affect the health of internal organs. Corset put pressure on the abdominal area that also suppress the stomach so that the inside is so much narrower. As a result, the wearer will feel a burning heart and abdominal swelling. Corset also potentially cause damage to muscles and difficulty breathing .



.4. Belt

Belts that are too tight or narrow can make the stomach and waist pain, tingling and numb. The neurologist warned that the belt could suppress neurons found in the abdomen and inner thighs. So you should wear a belt appropriately. Not too loose or too tight.



5. Pencil Skirt

Skirts with models tapers down to look elegant and professional appearance. But if it is too tight and fitted, pencil skirt will make you difficult to maintain balance when walking or bending. In the long term, too often wears a pencil skirt can cause damage to the muscles even spinal disorders.




6. collar shirt Too Tight

The collar is too tight in the neck can cause prolonged headache, tingling ears and blurred vision. Lapel or tie tied too tightly also can reduce blood circulation to the brain and increases the pressure inside the eye. Besides stiff muscles, back and shoulder pain became some the impact. Make sure you buy a shirt or collar clothes that are not too small and tight. Prioritizing is always comfort.



7. Bag Large

Large bag can accommodate all your gear when traveling. Starting from a smartphone, a computer table, cosmetic bags, perfumes, and so forth. But it needs to be watched, a large bag with a heavy load can affect the bone structure of the shoulder. Beware the danger of back pain, neck pain and posture imperfect that could happen as a result of luggage is too heavy. The habit of carrying on the arm also not good even cause more severe hazards, such as impaired blood flow and muscle pain and stiffness.



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From Bali.Indonesia

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