Independence is the right of the everyone in this world without independence the life is the hell without the independence the life is like a servant as he is in obey all the rule and regulation without the independence the life is like a cage birds as the cage bird is under the man who keep it the same situation is like with without independence
As we talk about the Pakistan the Pakistan is not independent before the 1947 this country has bearded too much difficulty because there were Muslims and Hindus there religious and many other different thing thus Muslims were started struggle and they got an independence country
If we consider this example in our mind then we will be able to get all the thing that are hidden in our country if you get your try level best then you get everything in this world today the Pakistan is an independence country but still our mind are the servant of the other the other nation are trying to create thing and it is right that we use these thing in the negative sense we follow the other thus our mind are there servant if we struggle own then we will be success