infos about ghsot Posted on 06 September 2014 at 00:20 What Are Ghosts? We have all been raised with ghosts in our lives. Cartoons, stories & Legends, Halloween, and deceased relatives that we wonder about. What Is the Difference Between Ghosts and Angels / Demons? If we adhere to theory -- ghosts are deceased humans, while demons and angels are not of earthly origin. How Can Mediums Talk to Ghosts? First, I think we are all capable of talking to ghosts, but we don't work on the skills that would be needed to do this. And most of us don't want to see, hear or feel a ghost! Ghosts Gone Bad The premise of this article is that ghostly beings (human or otherwise) dwell on the other side and while there are garden variety good ones, there can sometimes be bad ones. Incubus and Succubus Medieval legend claims that demons, both male and female, sexually prey on human beings. The male demon is known as an incubus and the female is the succubus. Shadow People People from around the world have written to our site about something they have seen that they can only best describe as, “Shadow People”.