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How many hours would it take you to interact with your bitlanders followers?

I had tried to look on every microblog, blog and movie posted on the last 24 hours. I want to make sure that I am visiting these guys who had visited, I am referring though to the ones who had commented that is why if you are visiting me, make sure that you are leaving at least one comment.

I logged in today at nine in the morning, I was thankful my nibling, a niece by cousin cooked breakfast, she bought some viand outside, we don't normally cook since it's just the two of us, my husband is currently in the province since his bosses gave him two holidays for this week. So, yeah I woke up a bit late though but thanks to Vanessa, I was able to eat breakfast by the time I woke up.

Again, nine in the morning, I started interacting and commenting. Making sure that everyone who had commented had been visited. I was looking at the clock in front of me as well to ensure that I am still within the time that I will be preparing for work. I had set my preparation time at 11 in the morning since my office hours is between 1pm-9pm.

At exactly 10:45am, I thought all of those who had commented had been visited as well so I checked on some other profiles and visited them as well. I do hope that I was able to comment on each account. So that's almost two hours of visiting. I got up from my chair by 11 and prepared for work.

But I still left a note that if there was anyone who had visited me but wasn't able to receive a comment on their posts, then that means I wasn't able to get back to them. I will make sure that I will be visiting as soon as I am back from the office.

TGIF everyone!

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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