International day of deaf people
World deaf day is celebrated every year in last week (last sun day of the month of September) of the September to. Draw to attention of general public. Politician and development authorizes towards the achievements of the deaf people as well as deaf people community.
The rough out the celebration of the event, all the deaf people origination worldwide are encouraged gallery to fulfill the demands and needs of the deaf people as well as increasing their rights all over the world.
Importance and activities of international day of deaf people celebration
People must participate in celebrating the world deaf day not only as deaf day but to expand the way of growth and development through the new technologies as well as to offer deaf people wide variety of opportunities to change their life style. It is celebrated with the rallies seminar and various deaf awareness campaigns including some fun events.
Objectives of international day of deaf people
- To promote understanding among common people about the problems of deaf people in the community.
- To motivate deaf people to learn sign language as an essential human rights.
- To make available the required resources in the community for deaf people.
- To promote the deaf people human rights about equal access to the education and modern technologies.