Interrup Programming In AVR- Atmega 16Bit (Part 1)

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 To learn the difference between polling and interrupt based programming
 To use the timer interrupt
 To use external hardware interrupt

There are two methods by which a microcontroller can serve a device
1- Interrupt: In interrupt method, a device sends an interrupt signal to microcontroller.
Upon  reception  of  interrupt,  microcontroller  stops  its  working  and  serves  the  device.
Program executed after receiving an interrupt is called Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
2- Polling: In polling, microcontroller continuously monitors the status of device, if the
status is met, microcontroller serves the device. In polling method, microcontroller can
only check single device at a time.

Above table shows the interrupt sources and their interrupt vectors for AVR ATmega16. Memory
locations from 0002  to  0028  locations  are reserve for  interrupt  vectors. Each  interrupt  has  2
words (4 bytes) of memory space for its ISR. For example, 0012 to 0014 memory space is set
aside for Timer0 overflow ISR.
Usually ISR cannot fit into 4-bytes memory space. So a JMP instruction is kept at the vector
address from where ISR jumps to another location where rest of the code of ISR can be written.
At  the  end  of  each  ISR,  RETI  (Return  from  Interrupt)  instruction  is  placed  which gives  the

Steps to enable an Interrupt:
To enable any interrupt of AVR, we need to take the following steps:
1 Bit D7 (I) of SREG (Status Register) must be set in order to enable the global interrupt.
Without enabling global interrupt, no interrupt can happen. This can be done by using
SEI (assembly instruction) or sei(); (C instruction).
2 After enabling global interrupt, by setting the IE (Interrupt Enable) bit of each interrupt,
that specific interrupt can be enabled. For example, to enable Timer0 overflow interrupt,
we need to set TOIE0 (Bit0 of TIMSK Register).
When  interrupt  is  executed,  Bit  D7  of  SREG  is  cleared  by  the  microcontroller  to  avoid  the
occurrence  of  another  interrupt.  Moreover,  if  Timer0  overflow  interrupt is  enabled,  TOV0
(Timer0  Overflow  flag)  is  automatically  cleared  when microcontroller  jumps  to  the Timer0
overflow interrupt vector table.
Timer Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSK) holds the different interrupt enable bits related to timers.

There  are  three  external  hardware  interrupts are INT0,  INT1  and  INT2 located  on  pins  PD2,
PD3 and PB2 respectively.

                         GICR(General Interrupt Control Register)

INT0  and  INT1  can  be  programmed  to  trigger  on  low  level,  rising  edge,  falling  edge  or  both
edges  through  MCUCR (MCU Control  Register). Whereas,  INT2  can  only  be  programmed to
trigger on falling or rising edge through MCUCSR (MCU Control and Status Register).
If an interrupt is programmed for edge trigger mode, the pulse must be 1 instruction cycle to
ensure  that  the transition  is  seen  by  microcontroller.  If  an  interrupt  is  programmed  for  level
trigger, the pin must be held low for at least 5 machine cycles to cause an interrupt.
control back to the location from where it was interrupted.

About the author


Me from Pakistan and im the student of undergraduate;BS Electronics.

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