Interview with Jody, Hair Sylist and Makeup Artist

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So, What’s your name? Jody: Jody Kinney. 1. And what’s your job title? Jody: I’m a hair stylist and makeup artist. 2. How long have you been working in this job? Jody: For about eight years. 3. What experience did you have before that helps you in this job? Jody: Probably just experience with ____________________. I like people and I’ve always done people’s makeup and stuff, so… 4. What training or education did you have that helps in this job? Jody: Well, I went to ____________________ school, and then I did assisting in a salon, so I was someone’s ____________________, and then learned from then until I was confident to go out on my own. How long is beauty school? Jody: If you do it full time, it’s about ____________________ months, give or take a few days here and there. And then, after that, how long did it take you to feel confident to go out on your own? Jody: About three months. That’s pretty good. Jody: Yeah 5. What classes, or training would you suggest for someone interested in this job? Jody: Well, they’d have to go to beauty school, and then, it’s always encouraged to ____________________ education, to keep going to classes and learning different things. Learning new things, yeah. ‘cause you’re never ____________________ learning. 6. What kind of person would be good for this job? Jody: Someone who can handle ____________________ – all different personalities, a people pleaser, basically, yeah 7. What is the most fun part of your work? Jody: I get to ____________________ all day about whatever I want. I can dress however I want. Instant gratification. Someone comes in looking bad, and they leave looking good. And they have a big ____________________ on their face, and I have lots of freedom, and, yeah, it’s and you make people look pretty. It’s great. 8. What is the most challenging or difficult part of your work? Jody: Challenging is . . . . Is it all easy? Jody: No. Depending on the client. Clients can be very challenging. Really picky people that are never ____________________. So there’s lots of those, but generally, it’s not a big challenge – finding the ____________________ place to work, you know, the right amount of business, you know. Paper work is always fun. Doing your ____________________ – that’s challenging. 9. What is your busy period at work, is it part of the year, part of the month? Jody: Busiest is probably fall and ____________________, like Christmas area - around Christmas and also ____________________. 10. What is special or unique about your job? Jody: Just that every single person is ____________________, even though it’s all hair, you know. It’s never monotonous. It’s always – Every single person is different, so it doesn’t get ____________________ , and, yeah, it’s great – you make people happy. That’s the best part. Thank you. Jody: You’re welcome.

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