Into the Sun - The Films That Inspired This Production

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‘Into the Sun’ is in many ways influenced by the films I grew up watching. As a child I remember being swept away with the likes of Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T. Unashamedly a fan of science fiction, as I grew older I experienced the more ‘grown up’ end of this genre, becoming engrossed with films such as Alien, It’s ‘soldiers at war’ influenced sequel Aliens and The Terminator.

One visual aspect that I noticed many of these films share in common it the image of the big, monolithic space ship. Surely no child could forget the first time the star destroyer hurtles past us in the opening sequence of Star Wars, or the quiet lonely air of uncertainty when the Nostromo first hovers into view in Alien.

So these long burned in cinematic images, so very iconic and memorable to me, are most certainly the visual inspiration that influenced the development and production of ‘Into the Sun’. Produced entirely using Element 3D, I wanted to create what appeared to be a vast, abandoned structure floating through space, the only indication of life on board being a scrambled cry for help. I hope you enjoy ‘Into the Sun’.

About the author


Iain Goodyear is a film maker, motion graphics animator and photographer based in Manchester in the UK. Iain has produced films, music videos and animations that are experimental and abstract in nature since 2000. He graduated from Staffordshire University in 2001 with a BA Hons in Media Production. Iain also…

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