Small temporary storage or internal memory units control command under process .The small memory units are called register
Machine Cycle:
Fetching è Process of obtaining instruction.
Decoding è The process of decoding the instruction or data from memory.
Executingè The process of caring out results .
Storage è Writing the results in the RAM.
CPU clock:
To control all the computer operations (26 Hz e.g. )
ii) I/O Devices
Input devices and output devices.
Input devices
Keyboard having many keys and it is important part of input devices to give command to computer.
- i)The Alphanumeric keys i.e +,-, Esc, Tab, Caps lock ,
- ii) Special keys i.e Alt, Ctrl, etc
- iii) Numerical Keys i.e 0 to 9 all numerical keys
- iv) Function Keys i.e F1 to F12
- v) Cursor Movement Keys i.e à ß etc