Hey Guys!
Thanks for opening this up and hopefully I can keep you hooked.
Just a brief few words as to what I'm about and what I can offer...
I'm a short film maker particularly interested in dramas that tackle youth and social issues, typical inspiration - This is England.
My fellow film-making buddies call me Miss BritGrit...I like dirt, kebabs, knock off lager, dodgy DVD's, troubled kids and dysfunctional families...and that's what I naturally like to present!
Right now I jump between jobs trying to squeeze in as much creative juice as possible and in my spare time I like to rant about current cinema so make sure you have a good read of my film reviewing blogs! Feel free to have a debate if you think I'm wrong...that's all part of the fun ;)
I will also provide an insight into the work behind the scenes of two of my short films - War of Films winner, KYLE and my debut BritGrit short, NOTICE.
There's a short film currently floating around my mind so I'll be sure to update you on it's progress.
Over and Out :)
P.S Did I keep you hooked?