IRAQ America is between two fires.If it stays in iraq it bleed to death ;if it leaves it will lose everything. So said ayman al Zawahiri osamas deputy in 2004 anotallah ali khameni irans supreme leader says that america is Stuck in whirlpool and sinking deeper. In 2007 america sent an additional 30,000 troops making a total of 160,000 in order to secure the captial Baghdad to hunt down Al qaeda in iraq and to stop the violence long enough in order to let iraqs sunnis and shias find a political solution to the imbroglio. The surge as resulted in a reduction in violence not because of the additional troops sent rather due to the fact that America changed its policy of attitude towards the liaqis sunni Arab tribes in anbar prvince who used to shoot at americans turned againstthe al qaeda seeking american help in killing or expelling them According to the Economist before the surge elements of Al qaeda in anbar province were carrying out grisly atrocities against local sunnis who refused to fight against americans.This local uprising against al qaeda is known as the sunni awakening al sahwa .americans have armed thousands of sunnis who have joined the concerned local citizens groups.These groups act eyes and ears for US forces. BACKGROUNG: Iraq was attacked by america in 20003 pre empitvely on the protest of WMDs and without the approvel of the UN.china russia the muslim world germany and france opposed the attack.america ostensibly wanted to overthrow a tyrant a dictator saddam the same despot whom america had supported against to the region in fact america attacked iraq in order: *To grab the rich oil resources of middle east. *To ccontain china who is an emerging super power and is also energy hungery for its booming ecconomy. *To make israel secure by attacking iran after iraq. *To convisce rouge states like syria of american military invincibility and to compel them to conform to US wishes. *To establish its hegemonoy across the globe and enhance its prestige and the sole power in a unipolar world.
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