I found this incredible site not too long ago. On this site one can simply watch videos all day and earn a $5 giftcard to the store of your own selection. I was amazed that a site actually would permit you to watch enough videos to earn a five dollar giftcard per day.
This is amazing because I have attempted this at other sites and it just did not work out well enough. I think at these other sites I averaged maybe $75 in giftcards per month. Still this is quite a bit and I was able to purchase plenty with that $75 per month. However, I like the idea of nearly doubling this plus still making the $20 in giftcards from one site and $75 from another.
I think iRazoo is one of my favorite sites from now on. This is the first site I visit everyday. I think I must spend 8 to 12 hours per day on iRazoo. I absolutely, adore how many options there are available to me on this site to earn at least $10 per day in gift certificate.