Irony of Being a Student/Employee

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Students are really odd and hard to understand often times. When they are in the school, they want the class to be suspended. Others are hoping that their professor is absent or not around attending seminars and important matters. Others even pray for a storm so that classes will be suspended mostly when they don’t have their assignments or reports ready for the day. Too bad for this kind of attitude we have sometimes.

Lifestyle nowadays is far different than the time of our grand parents and parents. Students nowadays should pay for their transportation if their house is far from the school or if not, rent an apartment or dorm near the school premises. In the old days, people go to school walking even though their house is far from school. Today, parents should pay for the internet connection to help their sons and daughters in their school projects and assignments. Before, our parents bring their lunch box. Today, we want to have additional money and just eat to the cafeteria.

Students today live in an expensive lifestyle that is why their allowance is not enough to stay with this kind of living. I can still remember when I go to an expensive restaurant and a coffee outlet. I see many students hanging around. Many are rich that’s why they can afford this kind of expenses but others can’t. They have to save in their allowance. But sometimes, with many projects doing this is difficult. That’s why you often hear them say, “I wish that I was already working so that buying things and food that I want will be easy”.

When the time that you are already working and receiving your salary, you will feel really grateful as the money is deposited in your account. That is only at first, until you see all the bills of the internet, cable, water, electricity and other expenses. You will realize then that you miss being a student. No problem at all. You just have to go to school and you will receive your allowance. Isn’t really odd? When we are still student, we really want to graduate and have work. But when we are working, we miss being a student. There are some government employees that have benefits of going back to school after retirement. They will receive allowance and if they finish their studies will receive additional money. It is kind of different. It’s like receiving your salary by attending back to school. It is a requirement to receive the full benefits.

But whatever we are right now, still studying, already working or doing both, we should use our money wisely, start saving and investing to safe businesses or mutual funds where they can multiply. With this when the time comes, buying all you want will be easy.  Enjoying working right now? Or still missing your student days? If I am to be asked, I want to enjoy both. How about you?

Thanks for reading!!!

About the author


I'm Rod. I'm a Broadcast Engineer. I'm also a musician, composer and arranger of Kapampangan Liturgical Music. I love to write blogs related to the reality of life. I'm also an avid NBA fan and basketball blogger.

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