Is It Really Goodbye Bubblews?

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I had stopped posting and interacting with bubblews after seeing a long list of redemptions in my redemption list which aren't being paid. I had this mind set that once bubblews pays me these amount, I will return and will post again just like how I did the previous year.

I admit it, I have received a huge amount from posting articles in that site, I loved the site and even would save articles just to be able to reach the maximum number of articles in a day. I was really active in that site until this crisis came in.

It was almost a month ago when I decided not to post anything until payment comes but nothing came and so since it was the first day of the year, I decided to log in and check what's going on. I was surprised when I checked my bank account and noticed I only have one pending redemption listed. All the claims made were deleted off and so I checked what's going on, I went to Arvind's (CEO) page and found no recent update. I then went to the bubblews support's page and yes it has an update saying they are sorry, they can't pay us anything which was redeemed before Nov.11, 2014.

It just crushed my heart and now, I am saying Goodbye to bubblews.

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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