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                  ISLAM A RELIGION OF PEACE..                           The very word islamic means .it is a religion of love and peace.the cardinal message  of islam is love and freaternity peaceful relations with all honoring of pacts and treaties no compulsion in religion and no aggression .fighting was persecribed only against those who fought against muslims or against those who persecuted them for following allah but allah ordered to cease hostillities once they relented.                                                                                     Fight in the way of allah against those who fight against you but begin not hostolities  lo allah loveth not aggressors.This is and has always been the predominant message of is there for all times to com muslims should unite nit for waging war on some country but for propagating and spreading the culture or peace tolerance love and piety.                                                                                          NO CONCEPT OF SUICIDAL ATTACKS ON INNOCENT PEOPLE...                                                                             A majority of the writers of tafseer are unanimous that in lihad no excessses are to be don and women and children are not be killed.some people feel that making suicidal attacks with bombs planted on oneself and attacking the enemy population which may include innocent men women and children other than active soldiers is also a form of jihad under cerain circumstances.the argument given is that since there is no alternative left this is the only way one can retaliate against acts of massive oppression by the enemy and the followers of islam the reasoning given is the enemy is strong and well equipped and the other side has no choice but to fight by making suicidal attacks on the aggressor. this according to theeir view would deter him from perpetuating further crurlty on them.                                                                                                                        But a muslim just cannot knowingly commit suicide.he can take a calculated risk and fight even when the odds are greatly against him or give his life trying to defend many others by stopping the enemy attack bu he can not seliberately kill himself which would mean that he has lost all hope of help from allah which is clearly a great sin.even otherwise he cannot knowingly attack innocent people especially women and children as two wrongs do not make right The Holy Quran says in Hamim sajgah...

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