It Must be Wonderful if there's no Rubbish in the World

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While looking at the surroundings,I had realized that it would be wonderful if there's no rubbish in the world. Wherein we could breath in the fresh air, seeing the birds flying joyfully and those children playing around with no worries.

These rubbish refers to the garbages present in different areas either is coastal land and even in air in a form of air pollution. Through these rubbish we've faced lot of problems and calamities like typhoons that would make us suffer from flood and damaging the ozone layer that would result to climate change.

These things happen due to human intervention with their wrong doings like throwing garbage anywhere without thinking what might be the effect of those selfish things.

What would be the kind of world that our future generations will be living if the current generations readily damaging it? Do you think they can survive with that kind of surroundings wherein anywhere we look there are rubbish present?

Think of it and let us make a change.