I've Never Been So Happy To Know Something.

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A few months ago we were all in the kitchen getting ready to eat. I was preparing my food in the microwave when it suddenly just turned off. We realized that one of the breakers had turned off. I told my Dad and I guess he didn't feel like getting up. He said said it was our time to learn how to handle that situation. My Mom whined and told him he was the man of the house and she didn't know how to do it.
He said we needed to learn in case he wasn't around when it happened again. So,he said that all of the little knobs would be going one way. One of them would not be all the way on one side and if we weren't sure we could just push it and it would move a little bit more. We both went outside and looked and sure enough,one of the switches was not all the way in the "on" position. She was nervous which made me nervous so,I didn't touch it. She got my Dad to come back out and sure enough I was right.
Fast forward to a few nights ago while I was trying to warm some supper in my new microwave. While it was busy warming my food the breaker flipped. Now,this was in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping and I certainly do not enjoy waking my Parents. You can bet I was very happy to have remembered how to solve the problem!

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