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Journalist is a French word which origin taken from Journaleser word, means the news and new news , the journalist mean the subject and doing of the this action , which take the new and give it to others.

As someone define that journalist is a person that who work in a media to take, find and give the news and also someone define that journalist is the mirror of the society.

Or journalist is the person that save the daily history of the world and keep it or he announce from change of the world.

But it is very important to know who is a journalist? If we define it very generally so we must accept that journalist is a therapeutic  of all society .

But I am talking about honest, intelligent, real and the home lover journalist, not about person that work for money but he must work for their people and for their country, because journalist not only the therapeutic of her or his own country but the therapeutic of all world.

Journalistic must have the journalistic ethics and who has a sense for God, country and people or feel the pain or discomfort of the people .

" All journalists are a health care provider for a large community, even the broader world ."

Now I have a good explanation of this definition , for example , at first I want to mention some other fields:

Doctor : doctor who can treat a limited number of people or individuals , the health care provider or a group of people in society, and it is also unique in the field who has trained before just in one field .

Eng : Turns out that only work with building and repairing roads , but he  must be plus patriotism and sense of responsibility about people .

But journalists are working for all and for all people of across the world.

If someone is concealing the truth for the money  or have the prejudice , or if he or she abuse from their jobs they will punish at futurity and the god will harm them.

The media today has grown that it go in our homes and it is able to define our aim or target, if it can not make our live but show us the way of its making, therefore the journalists have the best and an important role to train and to make the destiny of our children, youths and other people.

Hope to all we know understand our responsibility  about our jobs,  country and about our people.

Written by:  Hekmatullah aziz


About the author


I am hekmatullah and i am from ghazni province of Afghanistan i graduated from school at 2009 and now im student of journalism at kabul universtiy

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