Just another random thought.
I never knew that being a bummer is kind of quite challenging haha! Yes it is! Well this is what i hoped for in
the first place.I've been working so hard for almost 2 years abroad and it's not easy.Fast forward..... now im officially a bummer! Ain't it fun?
You have to deal with everyday knowing that you will do the same thing over and over again plus boredom is
always owning! And it's killing me! But! i have found a solution for my dilemma..What is it?
An internet! Yes,i have learned so much about it.What is awesome about it is i have learned to earn online.
With a little skills and comprehension and courage! haha! I never knew that i can do all of those
things.PTC,Online investment,Bitcoin,Adsense,PTP,VPS and more.I think being a bummer is not that bad.You
learn more.Why loose hope? It's not the end of the world! You have to discover what it's in you :)