Kansas white supremacist 'guilty' of Jewish site killings

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Kansas white supremacist 'guilty' of Jewish site killings

Frazier Glenn Cross shot dead three people, including a teenage boy, in April 2014

White supremacist Frazier Glenn Cross has been found guilty of murdering three people at two Jewish sites in Kansas City last year.

Cross, who has admitted to the murders, said he hoped to "die a martyr" after the verdict was announced.

Jurors still need to decide whether he should get the death penalty.

Cross, 74, was also convicted of three counts of attempted murder for firing indiscriminately at people during the fatal shooting in April 2014.

He shot dead Dr William Lewis Corporon, 69, and his 14-year-old grandson Reat Griffin Underwood, and Terri LaManno, 53, outside two separate Jewish centres.

Although he has admitted to the killings, Cross pleaded not guilty at trial. He said he was motivated to kill Jews because he believes they have too much power.

None of the victims of the Kansas City shooting was Jewish.

Before the shooting, Cross founded several white supremacist groups and later ran twice for elected office on a white power platform.


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simple and normal guy

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