Kiva and The Quality of Light

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Throat singing or overtone singing is a fascinating musical art. Recently we heard from Kiva, a Canadian musician and master of overtone singing, who has moved to the Czech Republic.

It was surprising to hear from Kiva since I had lost contact with her for the past 15 years. She indicated that she would be interested in my writing an article about her and her upcoming CD release, which was to take place in Canada.

We arranged to do an email interview.  You can read the full story on my Tumblr blog at this link


About the author


Louise Peacock is a singer/songwriter who has lately become interested in creating videos for her songs and for various events. She is a Custom Landscape Design Consultant, a photographer, a hairdresser, a Reiki practioner and a visual artist. She is currently the Curator for an art space in a historic…

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